"Slow" Chicagoan Profile / Justin Hall of FIG Catering
/We had the pleasure of talking "slow" for a hot minute with executive chef/owner Justin Hall of FIG Catering. The very nature of Justin's catering business speaks loud and clear to the Slow Food Mission of good, clean, and fair food. Check out more about Justin here. Now to the good part - here's our Chi-town foodie fueled convo. Check it out!
What would you be doing right now on a typical work day?
As it is a Monday, lots of things going on around FIG. Ordering for the week. Cleaning up from last week and getting ready for the week ahead. Running invoices. And having our weekly meeting. An all around crazy day.
What's the best part about your job? The hardest part?
The best part of my job is I get to do what I want every day. Cook, work with food and be around people that are passionate about the same things. The worst part is the hours. A slow day for me is 12 hours, 14 typical and wedding days are 16. Oof.
What do you think is the biggest obstacle for Chicago's food system to overcome?
The food system in Chicago has come a long way since I moved here 16 years ago. That being said there are tons of struggles. The biggest, I believe, is closing the waste loop for all restaurants, caterers, banquet halls, hotels and home by making composting law.
What's next for the trendiest food item (all hail kale's successor)?
For me the next trendiest food item is what comes into season next. I wait with baited breath through winter for asparagus and ramps, then radishes and turnips, then peas and squash...
What is your second favorite Chicago food related social media account to follow (aside from Slow Food Chicago of course)?
Either Pleasant House or Dusek's instagram.
What wins - avocado toast or artichoke toast?
Avocado toast, no question.
Why Chicago? If not Chicago, where?
Chicago is great on many levels. People, food, architecture, politics... If not here, Jamaica is next on my Google map for permanent residency (no more shit winters).
FIG Catering is located in the Pilsen neighborhood in Chicago. www.figcatering.com/